1) Heightened emotion is caused by the
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Tags: Biology mcqs, important mcqs of Biology, Biology important Biology mcqs, mcqs on Biology, important mcqs on Biology, mcqs of BiologyR
1) Heightened emotion is caused by the
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2) The region of the brain that integrates visceral activities, body temperature, and heartbeat is the
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3) Which among the given blood cells is compulsory for blood coagulation
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4) Antigen is a substance which
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5) Of which tissue nails, hoofs & horns are made of
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6) Which of the following vitamin is produced in human body by exposing it to early morning sun-rays
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7) What part of the eye gets inflamed & becomes pink when dust gets into
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8) The green colour of the leaves is due to the presence of
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9) Which one of the following parts of the pitcher plant becomes modified into a pitcher?
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10) Consider the following statements 1. Femur is the longest bone in the human body. 2. Cholera is a disease caused by bacteria. 3. 'Athlete's foot' is a disease caused by virus. Which of the statements given above are right?
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