- Advanced Financial Management 2
- Advertising and Sales Promotion
- Advertising and Salesmanship
- Analysis of Financial Statements
- Business Accounting
- Business Communication
- Business Economics
- Business Environment
- Business Ethics
- Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Business Ethics in Indian Social System
- Business Law
- Business Mathematics
- Business Regulations
- Business Research Methods (BRM)
- Business Taxation
- Functional Areas of Business
- Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Income Tax Law and Practices
- Indian and Global Economic Development
- Introduction to Computers
- .NET Programming
- .NET Programming
- 8085 Microprocessor
- 8086 Microprocessor
- Abnormal Psychology
- Accountancy 2
- Accounting for Management
- Accounting for Managerial Decisions
- Advance Accounting
- Advance Construction and Equipments
- Advance Construction Technology
- Advance Database Management System (ADBMS)
- Advance Marketing Management 2
- Advanced 3D Animation, VFX and Compositing
- Advanced Psychological Process
- Advanced Web Technologies
- Advertising and Brand Management
- Agricultural and Rural Marketing
- Agricultural BioTechnology
- American Literature
- Amplifiers with Negative Feedback
- An Introduction to Political Science
- Analog Electronics
- Ancient and Medieval Political Thought
- Andhra Pradesh Gk
- Animal Biotechnology
- Animal Husbandry
- Animation With Anima8or
- Antennas and Microwave Engineering
- Applied Cost Accounting
- Applied Mechanics
- Applied Mechanics and Graphic Statics
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (AIR)
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (AIR)
- Arunachal Pradesh Gk
- Asian Philosophy
- Assam State General Knowledge
- Audit Taxation
- Auditing
- Auditing Corporate Governance
- AutoCAD (CAD)
- Automobile Engineering
- B Ed Entrance Gk
- Banking and Finance
- Banking and Finance 2
- Banking and Finance 3
- Banking and Insurance
- Banking GK in Hindi
- Banking Services Management (BSM)
- Banking, Production, Trading & Service Co-operatives
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Basic Numerical Skills
- Basic Principles of Biotechnology
- Basic Psychological Process
- Basic Psychology
- Basics of Banking and Insurance
- Basics of Computer Architecture
- Basics of Computer Graphics
- Basics of Counselling Psychology
- Basics of Database Management System
- Basics of Economics
- Bihar GK
- Bihar GK (English Language MCQs)
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry in Biotechnology
- Bioinformatics and Biosensors
- Biology
- Biology in Hindi
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetic
- Books and Authors
- Books and Authors GK in Hindi
- Bootstrap
- British Literature - Nineteenth Century
- British Literature from Chaucer
- Building Construction
- Building Materials
- Building Services
- Building Technology and Architectural Planning
- Bus Economics
- Business Communications
- Business Correspondence
- Business Economics Macro
- Business Ethics and CSR
- Business Information Systems
- Business Laws
- Business Management
- Business Policy and Project Management
- Business Regulatory Framework
- Business Research Methods (BRM)
- Business Statistics
- C Programming
- C#
- C# .Net Programing
- C++
- Cables
- CAD-CAM and Automation
- Cases in Human Resource Management
- Cases in Marketing
- Cell Biotechnology
- Chemical Engineering Basics
- Chemical Engineering Plant Economics
- Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- Chemical Process Industries
- Chemistry
- Chemistry in Hindi
- Chhattisgarh GK in Hindi
- Child Development and Teaching Method in Hindi
- Circuits and Circuit Theory
- Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Co-operative Development
- Co-operative Management and Administration
- Co-operative Theory and Practice
- Co-operative Theory, Principles and Practice
- Cognitive Psychology
- Communication Engineering
- Communication Skill
- Communication Skills in English
- Communicative Skills in French
- Comparative Politics
- Compressors
- Computer
- Computer Applications
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Architecture and Organization
- Computer Awareness
- Computer Engineering Soft Computing
- Computer Fundamentals
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Graphics
- Computer in Hindi
- Computer Microprocessor and Assembly Language
- Computer Networking (CN)
- Computer Networks
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Computerized Accounting Software
- Concrete Technology
- Concrete Technology and Design
- Construction Management
- Construction Project Management
- Construction Quality Control and Monitoring
- Construction Technology
- Consumer Behaviour
- Contemporary Issues in International Politics
- Control of Electric Drives
- Control System 2
- Control System Engineering
- Control Systems
- Corporate Accounting
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Laws
- Corporate Regulations
- Cost Accounting
- Cost and Management Accounting (CMA)
- Cost and Works Accounting 1
- Cost and Works Accounting 2
- Costing
- Counselling in Educational Psychology
- Counselling in Psychological Testing
- Counselling Psychology 1
- Counselling Psychology 2
- CPP Programming
- Creating an Inclusive Environment
- Critical Reasoning, Writing and Presentation
- Current Advances of Novel Drug Delivery System
- Current Affairs
- Current Affairs Apr 2023
- Current Affairs in Hindi
- Current Affairs June 2023
- Current Affairs May 2023
- Current Affairs Nov 2022
- Current Electricity
- D.C. Generators
- Data Analysis
- Data Communication and Computer Network
- Data Communication and Networking
- Data Compression and Data Retrieval
- Data Mining and Business Intelligence
- Data Mining and Data Warehouse
- Data Science
- Data Structure (DS)
- Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA)
- Database Management System (DBMS)
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Design of Machine Elements
- Design of Masonry Structures
- Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements
- Design of Steel Structures
- Development Administration
- Developmental Psychology 1
- Developmental Psychology 2
- Different Approaches to Counselling
- Digital Business
- Digital Electronics
- Digital Electronics and Logic Design
- Digital Logic Circuits (DLC)
- Digital Principles and System Design
- Direct Tax
- Disaster Management
- Discrete Mathematics
- Discrete Structure (DS)
- Distributed Computing System (DCS)
- Docker
- Dosage Form Design
- DotNet Technology
- Dynamics of Machinery
- Dynamics of Machines
- E-Commerce
- E-Commerce Management
- E-Supply Chains and Logistics core
- Early Bronze and Iron age Civilizations
- Early World History
- Economic
- Economic in Hindi
- Economics
- Economics of Development
- Economics of Network Industries
- Economics Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis-I
- Educational Psychology
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Electrical Drives and Controls (EDC)
- Electromagnetic Field
- Electronic Devices and Circuits
- Embedded Real Time Operating System
- Emerging Trends in Management
- Energy Conversion
- Engineering Materials
- Engineering Metallurgy
- Engineering Thermodynamics
- English
- English Language
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Resource Planning and Management
- Enterprise Systems
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship and Project Management
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Politics and Human Rights
- Environmental Study in Hindi
- Enzyme Engineering in Biotechnology
- Essentials of Ecommerce
- Export Import Procedures and Documentation
- Fertiliser Technology
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Accounting 2
- Financial Accounts
- Financial Management
- Financial Markets
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Financial Services
- Fluid Mechanics
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
- Food Biotechnology
- Foundation Engineering
- Foundation of Political Science
- Foundation of Sociological Theory
- Foundations of Sociology
- Foundry Technology
- Front office Management
- Fuels And Combustion
- Fundamentals of Accounting
- Fundamentals of Computer Programming
- Fundamentals of Economics
- Fundamentals of Law
- Fundamentals of Rural Development
- Furnace Technology
- Gandhian Philosophy
- Gender Studies
- Gender, School and Society
- General Awareness
- General Awareness in Hindi
- General Economics
- General Economics 1
- General Economics 2
- General Insurance
- General Science
- Geography
- Geography in Hindi
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Global Business Environment
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Green Computing (GC)
- Growth and Development
- Guidance and Counselling
- Hadoop
- Haryana GK in Hindi
- Health Psychology
- Heat Engines
- Heat Transfer
- Herbal Drug Technology
- High Performance Computing
- Highway Engineering
- Himachal Pradesh GK in Hindi
- Hindi in Hindi
- Historical Perspective of Management
- History
- History and Theory
- History in Hindi
- History of English Language
- History of Modern Kerala
- Horticultural Science
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Human Physiology
- Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Human Resource management and Organizational behavior
- Human Resource Management Principles and Functions
- Human Rights
- Human Rights in India
- Hydraulic Machines
- Hydraulics
- Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
- India GK in Hindi
- India’s big, high, tall Gk
- India’s Foreign Policy
- Indian Constitution - Institutions and Processes
- Indian Economy
- Indian Economy Problems and Policies
- Indian Epistemology
- Indian Government and Politics
- Indian Literature in English
- Indian Metaphysics
- Indian Philosophy
- Indian Railway
- Industrial Economics
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Relation and Labour Law
- Industrial Relations
- Information and Network Security
- Information Cyber Security
- Information Cyber Security (ICS)
- Information Retrival Techniques
- Information Security
- Information System Management
- Information systems and engineering economics
- Internal Combustion Engines (I.C. Engines)
- International Business
- International Business Management (IBM)
- International Economics
- International Financial Management
- International Marketing
- International Organization and Administration
- International Organizations and World Affairs
- International Politics
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Introduction to Biotechnology
- Introduction to Comparative Politics
- Introduction to computer and programming
- Introduction to International Relations
- Introduction to Political Theory
- Irrigation Engineering
- Issues and Political Processes in Modern India
- Issues in Indian Politics
- Issues in International Politics
- IT for Business and Management
- IT in Management
- J2EE Technologies
- JavaScript
- Jharkhand GK In Hindi
- KBC GK in Hindi
- Knowledge and Curriculum
- Labour Law
- Land Laws
- Learning and Behaviour
- Life Skill Development
- Life Skills and Education
- Linux
- Literary Criticism
- Machine Design
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Macroeconomics Theories and Policies 1
- Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies 2
- Maharastra GK in Hindi
- Management Accounting
- Management information system
- Management Science
- Management Theory and Practice
- Managerial Economics
- Managerial Economics 1
- Manufacturing Processes
- Manufacturing Technology
- Marketing Management
- Mass Transfer
- Material Handling
- Materials And Construction
- Math
- Math in Hindi
- Mathematics - BCA
- Measurement and Instrumentation
- Mechanical Measurements
- Mechanical Operations
- Mechatronics
- Medicinal Chemistry 1
- Medieval World History
- Metallurgy
- Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences
- Methodology of Historical Research
- Methodology of Research in Political Science
- Methods and Techniques in Applied Biology
- Metrology and Measurements
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- MicroEconomics, Theory and Applications 1
- MicroEconomics, Theory and Applications 2
- Microprocessor and Interfacing Technique
- Microprocessors
- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Power Point
- Microsoft Word
- Misc
- Modern Indian Political Thought
- Modern Kerala Problems and Perspectives
- Modern World History
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
- MP GK in Hindi
- MS Dos
- Multi-core Architectures and Programming
- Multi-core Processors
- Multimedia Technologies
- National Day
- Network Security
- Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control
- New Social Movements
- Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation
- Nuclear Power Engineering
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Operating System (OS)
- Operating System Architecture
- Operations Management
- Operations Research
- Organizational Behavior
- Organizational Psychology
- Perl
- Personality and Personal Growth
- Personality Development
- Personality Psychology
- Petroleum Refinery Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Medicinal Chemistry 4
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
- Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1
- Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 3
- Pharmaceutical Technology 2
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacognosy 4
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phenomenology and Existentialism
- Philosophy of Kant
- Philosophy of Language
- Phylum
- Physical Pharmaceutics 2
- Physics
- Physics in Hindi
- Physiology and Metabolism
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Pathology
- Political Thought- Indian Traditions
- Political Thought- Western Traditions
- Politics
- Politics in Hindi
- Polymer Technology
- Postcolonial Writings
- Power Electronics
- Power Plant Engineering (PPE)
- Principle of Management
- Principles of Accounting
- Principles of Economics and Management
- Principles of Food Preservation
- Principles of Management
- Principles of Programming Languages
- Problem Solving and Python Programming
- Problems, Perspectives and Debates in Early Indian History
- Process Control And Instrumentation
- Process Equipment And Plant Design
- Process Planning and Cost Estimation
- Production and Operation Management
- Production Management
- Programming for Problem Solving
- Project Management
- Protein and Nuclei Acids
- Public Administration Theory and Practice
- Public Finance
- Public Health Engineering
- Python
- Python Programming
- Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 2
- Quantitative Techniques for Business
- R Programming
- Railway Engineering
- Rajsthan GK
- Ramayan GK
- Reading Literature in English
- Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment
- Reasoning
- Reasoning in Hindi
- Recent Development in Western Thought
- Recombinant DNA Technology
- Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures
- Research Methodology (RM)
- Research Methodology (RM)
- Research Methodology 2
- Research Methodology of Sociology
- Retail Management
- Ruby
- Rural and Tribal Societies in India
- Sales Management
- School Leadership
- Schools of Sociological Theory 1
- Science
- Science in Hindi
- Script Writing and Story Board Designing
- Selected Problems of Medieval and Modern World History
- Service Marketing
- Society, State and Political Process in Kerala
- Sociology of Indian Society
- Software Design Modeling (SDM)
- Software Engineering
- Software Project Management (SPM)
- Software Quality Management (SQM)
- Software Testing
- Software Testing and Quality Assurance (STQA)
- Soil Mechanics and Foundations
- SQL Server
- SSC GK in Hindi
- State and Society in Kerala
- State and Society in Medieval india
- States and Capitals Gk in Hindi
- Statistical Methods
- Statistics for Research
- Steel Structures Design
- Supply Chain Management
- Surveying
- Symbolic Logic
- System Analysis and Design
- Taxation
- Theories and Principles of Public Administration
- Theory of Computation
- Theory of Computation and Compiler Design
- Theory Of Machine
- Theory Of Structures
- Thermal Engineering
- Transactions- Essential English Language Skills
- Twentieth Century British Literature up to 1940
- Ubiquitous Computing System (UCS)
- UGC NET Exam Previous Year Paper with answers 2014
- UPSC GK in Hindi
- Usability Engineering
- Visual Basics
- Ways with Words
- Web Technology
- Webenabled Application
- Western Metaphysics
- Western Philosophy
- What Happened Today in History
- World GK in Hindi
- World History
- World History in Hindi
- Zeitgeist- Reading on Contemporary Culture
- Zoology