Home / Engineering / Fertiliser Technology / Question


Team MCQ Buddy • 9.67K Points
Tutor III

Q.) Pick out the wrong statement.

(A) Nitrogen is normally supplied in fertiliser either in Ammoniacal or the nitrate form, from which the soil takes it up in the form of ammonium ions or nitrate ions and forms amino acids
(B) Calcium present in the fertiliser helps in correcting the soil acidity
(C) Particle size range of a good granular fertiliser is 10-15 mesh and it contains less moisture as compared to finely divided powder form of fertiliser
(D) Ammonium nitrate fertiliser is obtained as a by-product in an integrated steel plant having byproduct coke ovens
Correct answer : Option (D) - Ammonium nitrate fertiliser is obtained as a by-product in an integrated steel plant having byproduct coke ovens



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