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Q.) , 10, 12))
the arguments passed to the function format can be integers also.
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Q. Project management involves the planning, monitoring, and control of the people, process, and events that occur as software evolves from a preliminary concept to an operational implementation.
Q. MVS stands for
Q. is a waste disposal method where solid organic wastes are converted to the residue and gaseous products through combustion.
Q. IPv6 does not use _________ type of address.
Q. Effort is measured in terms of:
Q. Next-Hop Method is used to reduce contents of a
Q. In a database system there is:
Q. Software design activities involved
Q. The _________ determines the cause of the interrupt, performs the necessary processing and executes a return from the interrupt instruction to return the CPU to the execution state prior to the interrupt.
Q. Which is not an ADO.NET DataAdapter Object?
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