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Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (AIR) MCQs | Page - 6

Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (AIR) here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 51) Which of the following is an extension of the semantic network?

(A) expert systems
(B) rule based expert systems
(C) decision tree based networks
(D) partitioned networks
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 52) Is the below statement true for the domain of positive integers ∀p ∃q ( p + q = 7)

(A) yes
(B) no
(C) --
(D) --
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 53) Which of the following is a sound rule of inference?

(A) q ∧ (p → q) → p
(B) p → (p ∨ q)
(C) q ∨ (p → q) → p
(D) all of above
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 54) ∀x ∃ y P(x,y) ≡ ∃ y ∀ x P(x,y)

(A) yes
(B) no
(C) ---
(D) ---
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 55) Is ∀z S(x,y) a well-formed formula?

(A) yes
(B) no
(C) ---
(D) ---
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 56) The statement comprising the limitations of FOL is/are ____________

(A) expressiveness
(B) formalizing natural languages
(C) many-sorted logic
(D) all of the mentioned
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 57) What is the issue of Forward State Space Planning?

(A) low banching factor.
(B) large branching factor.
(C) work in forward fashion
(D) work in backward fashion
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 58) Goal Stack Planning breaks up a ______

(A) initial state
(B) stack in different part
(C) set of goal predicates into individual subgoals
(D) all of the above
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 59) What is true about Linear Planning?

(A) it refers to the fact that the subgoals are attempted and solved in a linear order.
(B) attempts to solve subgoals individually one after another.
(C) attempts to solve subgoal individually in non linear fashion
(D) both a & b
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Madhu • 12.02K Points
Tutor II

Q. 60) Agent interacts with the world via _______________ and _________

(A) decision , effect
(B) perception, decision
(C) perception, action
(D) perception, effect
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