Discrete Structure (DS) MCQs | Page - 16
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Discrete Structure (DS) here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. Test the validity of argument:“If it rains tomorrow, I will carry my umbrella, if its cloth is mended. It will rain tomorrow and the cloth will not be mended. Therefore I will not carry my umbrella”
Q. In a group of athletic teams in a certain institute, 21 are in the basket ball team, 26 in the hockey team, 29 in the foot ball team. If 14 play hockey and basketball, 12 play foot ball and basket ball, 15 play hockey and foot ball, 8 play all the three games. (i) How many players are there in all?
Q. In above Q.123 (ii) How many play only foot ball?
Q. Write the negation in good english sentence : "Jack did not eat fat, but he did eat broccoli."
Q. Write the negation in good english sentence : The weather is bad and I will not go to work.
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