Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation MCQs | Page - 98
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. Generally, X ray output is changed by changing the:
Q. Deep scratches on lead intensifying screens will cause?
Q. Which of the following is classified as electromagnetic radiation?
Q. The main disadvantage of having a small focal spot on an X ray tube is:
Q. Exposure of whole body to moderate radiation doses of 500 – 2000 mSv (50 to 200 rem) would probably cause which of the following effects?
Q. A reaction which occurs when a radiation beam of 90 keV is totally absorbed by a test piece would probably be:
Q. The term used to describe the reaction of human reproductive cells, to ionizing radiation is:
Q. How is the wavelength of scattered radiation related to the primary beam?
Q. Higher X ray tube voltages result in:
Q. Betatrons are used to produce X rays having energy in the range of:
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