Soil Mechanics and Foundations MCQs | Page - 15

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Pooja • 3.11K Points

Q. Which of the following have an influence on the value of permeability ?

(A) Grain size
(B) Void ratio
(C) Degree of saturation
(D) all of these
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Neelam Mittal • 3.31K Points

Q. The neutral stress on the soil is due to the ?

(A) external load acting on the soil
(B) weight of the soil particles
(C) weight of water present in soil pores
(D) both (a) and (b)
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Ranjeet • 33.40K Points
Instructor I

Q. The particle size range is measured by ?

(A) effective size
(B) curvature coefficient
(C) uniformity coefficient
(D) none of these
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Admin • 35.70K Points

Q. The lateral earth pressure is ?

(A) directly proportional to the depth of soil
(B) inversely proportional to the depth of soil
(C) directly proportional to the square of the depth
(D) inversely proportional to the square of the depth of soil
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Gopal Sharma • 37.14K Points

Q. Gravel and sand is a ?

(A) cohesive coarse grained soil
(B) cohesive line grained soil
(C) non-cohesive coarse grained soil
(D) non-cohesive fine grained soil
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Pooja • 3.11K Points

Q. The critical height in the stability of soil is the ?

(A) minimum height at which it is possible for the sloped bank of soil to be stable
(B) maximum height at which it is possible for the sloped bank of soil to be stable
(C) minimum vertical height of the soil in an open excavation
(D) maximum vertical height of the soil is an open excavation
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Ranjeet • 33.40K Points
Instructor I

Q. The water content ratio of a soil is defined as the ratio of the ?

(A) weight of water to the weight of solids
(B) volume of water to the volume of voids in the soil mass
(C) total volume of voids to the volume of soil solids
(D) total volume of voids to the total volume of soil
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Admin • 35.70K Points

Q. The maximum unit pressure that a soil can withstand without rupture in shear or without excessive settlement of the structure, is called ?

(A) allowable bearing pressure
(B) safe bearing capacity
(C) ultimate bearing capacity
(D) bearing capacity
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Priyanka Tomar • 34.05K Points
Instructor I

Q. Consolidation and compressibility of soil ?

(A) is a measure of the ability of soil to allow the water to pass through its pores
(B) is a measure of the ability of soil to bear stresses without failure
(C) deals with changes in volume of pores in a soil under load
(D) any one of the above
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Priyanka Tomar • 34.05K Points
Instructor I

Q. The plastic limit of a soil is defined as the ?

(A) limit of water that makes the soil to flow
(B) amount of water content which makes the soil to go into the liquid state
(C) amount of water content which makes the soil to go into the solid state from the liquid state
(D) minimum amount of water content which makes the soil to be rolled into 3 mm diameter threads
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