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Kirti • 10.37K Points
Tutor II

Q) The first complete census in India was held in the year _____ ?

(A) 1881
(B) 1873
(C) 1891
(D) 1885
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
The first synchronous census in India was held in 1881. Since then, censuses have been undertaken uninterrupted once every ten year.

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Kirti • 10.37K Points
Tutor II

Q) India was divided into India and Pakistan by the ____ Act ?

(A) Government of India
(B) Division of India
(C) Partition of India
(D) India Independence
Correct Answer - Option (D)

Explanation :
India was divided into India and Pakistan by the India Independence Act. The Indian Independence Act was passed in 1947. The act created two new independent dominions; India and Pakistan.

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Kirti • 10.37K Points
Tutor II

Q) The _____ Commission was set up to investigate the Jallianwala Bagh massacre ?

(A) Hunter
(B) Butler
(C) Sadler
(D) Campbell
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
The Hunter Commission was set up to investigate the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Lord William Hunter led the investigating committee. The commission was formed on 29th October 1919. It started in November and took testimony over a period of 46 days.

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Kirti • 10.37K Points
Tutor II

Q) Who had given the Doctrine of Lapse ?

(A) Lord Cornwallis
(B) Lord Bentinck
(C) Lord Dalhousie
(D) Lord Canning
Correct Answer - Option (C)

Explanation :
Doctrine of lapse was the policy of Dalhousie, the then Governor General, to annex the independent Indian States in 1848 A.D. This doctrine was based on the idea that in case a ruler of a dependent state died childless, the right of ruling over the State reverted or ' lapsed' to the sovereign.

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Kirti • 10.37K Points
Tutor II

Q) Indian Statutory Commission 1928 was headed by ______ ?

(A) Daniel RadCliffe
(B) Viceroy Lord Irwin
(C) Sir John Simon
(D) Viceroy Lord Chelmsford
Correct Answer - Option (C)

Explanation :
The Indian Statutory Commission, commonly referred to as the Simon Commission, was a group of seven British Members of Parliament under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon. The commission arrived in British India in 1928 to study constitutional reform in Britain's largest and most important possession.

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Tina Singh • 10.68K Points
Tutor II

Q) Which of the following laws is associated with the heating effect of electric current ?

(A) Joule's law
(B) Ohm's law
(C) Faraday's law
(D) Newton's law
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
Joule's law is associated with the heating effect of electric current. It is a way to find the amount of heat produced by electric current. H=I2Rt is the relation used to calculate heat generated

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Tina Singh • 10.68K Points
Tutor II

Q) The value of acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ depends on: 
1. Constant of Gravitation ‘G’ 
2. Mass of the earth ‘M’ 
3. Mass of the falling object ‘m’ 
4. Radius of the earth ‘R’ ?

(A) 1, 3, 4
(B) 2, 3, 4
(C) 1, 2, 3
(D) 1, 2, 4
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Tina Singh • 10.68K Points
Tutor II

Q) A body at rest can have ?

(A) Speed
(B) Velocity
(C) Momentum
(D) Energy
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Explanation :
Therefore, a body at rest stores energy here, which is called potential energy. Momentum- The momentum of any object that is at rest is zero. Objects at rest do not have momentum as they do not have any "mass in motion". Both variables - mass and velocity - are important for calculating momentum

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Tina Singh • 10.68K Points
Tutor II

Q) Which of the following, can neither be created nor be destroyed ?

(A) Force
(B) Power
(C) Momentum
(D) Energy
Correct Answer - Option (D)

Explanation :
The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another

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Ritu • 97 Points

Q) In case of hypermetropia, where is the image formed ?

(A) In front of the retina
(B) On the retina
(C) Behind the retina
(D) On the cornea
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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