36500+ MCQs for RAILWAY are available here. You can learn these questions for your better preparation. Questions are available with its correct answer. You can check the correct answer of any questions by clicking the option or show answer button. Have a nice day and enjoy learning RAILWAY MCQ Questions.
Learn RAILWAY MCQs with answers [Page 16 of Department 88]
151) If the first two statements are true, the third statement is :
I. The temperature on Monday was lower than on Tuesday.
II. The temperature on Wednesday was lower than on Tuesday.
III. The temperature on Monday was higher than on Wednesday
152) If the first two statements are true, the third statement is :
I. Oat cereal has more fiber than corn cereal but less fiber than bran cereal.
II. Corn cereal has more fiber than rice cereal but less fiber than wheat cereal.
III. Of the three kinds of cereal, rice cereal has the least amount of fiber.
153) In a class of 60 students, the number of boys and girls participating in the annual sports is in the ratio 3 : 2 respectively. The number of girls not participating in the sports is 5 more than the number of boys not participating in the sports. If the number of boys participating in the sports is 15, then how many girls are there in the class ?
155) A man wears socks of two colours - Black and brown. He has altogether 20 black socks and 20 brown socks in a drawer. Supposing he has to take out the socks in the dark, how many must he take out to be sure that he has a matching pair ?
156) A motorist knows four different routes from Bristol to Birmingham. From Birmingham to Sheffield he knows three different routes and from Sheffield to Carlisle he knows two different routes. How many routes does he know from Bristol to Carlisle ?
(A) 4
(B) 8
(C) 12
(D) 24
Correct Answer - Option
Explanation : Total number of routes from Bristol to Carlisle = (4 x 3 x 2) = 24.
157) Mac has £ 3 more than Ken, but then Ken wins on the horses and trebles his money, so that he now has £ 2 more than the original amount of money that the two boys had between them. How much money did Mac and Ken have between them before Ken's win ?
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