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Learn SSC CGL MCQs with answers [Page 18 of Department 69]
171) Which of the following rivers of India carries the most water
(A) Ganga
(B) Brahmaputra
(C) Yamuna
(D) Godavari
Correct Answer - Option
Brahmaputra rivers of India carries the most water. The mighty Brahmaputra River, which is one of the largest rivers in the world, is known by different names based on the region it flows through. The Brahmaputra Valley has an average width of about 80 Km. The main river of the valley, Brahmaputra is one of the largest rivers in the world and rank fifth with respect to its average discharge.
175) Consider the following pairs: Tributary River Main River
1. Chambal Narmada
2. Sone Yamuna
3. Manas Brahmaputra
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
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