43000+ Important MCQs for SSC CGL

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Neha Sharma • 6.85K Points
Tutor III History

5) After the decline of the Chalukya kingdom of Kalyani at the close of the 12th and of the chola kingdom at the begining of the 13th century, the new kingdom which arose in South India were

  • (A) Yadavas of Devagiri and Kakatiyas of Warangal
  • (B) Hoysalas of Dwarsamudra and Pandyas of Madurai
  • (C) Vijayanagar and Bahamani kingdoms
  • (D) Both (a) and (b)
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Neha Sharma • 6.85K Points
Tutor III History

6) Which European ruler had observed 'Bear in mind that the commerce of India is the commerce of the world .... he who can exclusively command it is the dictator of Europe?

  • (A) Queen Victoria
  • (B) Peter the Great of Russia
  • (C) Napoleon Bonaparte
  • (D) Gustav II Adolf
Correct Answer - Option (B)


India was one of the main centres of world trade and industry. Peter the Great of Russia was led to exclaim: “Bear in mind that the commerce of India is the commerce of the world and ... he who can exclusively command it is the dictator of Europe.”


Neha Sharma • 6.85K Points
Tutor III History

8) The Limitation Law, which passed by the British in 1859, addressed which one of the following issues?

  • (A) Loan bonds would not have any legal validity
  • (B) Loan bonds signed between money lender and Ryots would have validity only for three years
  • (C) Loan bonds could not be executed by money lenders
  • (D) Loan bonds would have validity for ten years
Correct Answer - Option (B)


The ryots came to see the moneylender as devious and deceitful. They complained of moneylenders manipulating laws and forging accounts. In 1859 the British passed a Limitation Law that stated that the loan bonds signed between moneylenders and ryots would have validity for only three years. This law was meant to check the accumulation of interest over time. The moneylender, however, turned the law around, forcing the ryot to sign a new bond every three years.


Neha Sharma • 6.85K Points
Tutor III History

9) Which of the following monuments was not constructed by Shajahan?

  • (A) Red fort, Delhi
  • (B) Tajmahal, Delhi
  • (C) Kuthubminar, Delhi
  • (D) Jama Masjid, Delhi
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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