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Learn SSC MCQs with answers [Page 6 of Department 247]
51) There isn't . . . . . . . . airport near where I live. . . . . . . . . nearest airport is 70 miles away.
(A) a, an
(B) an, the
(C) a, the
(D) a, a
Correct Answer - Option
Explanation : We use indefinite articles before singular nouns that are unspecific. Here, 'airport' in the first sentence is unspecific and begins with a vowel sound. Hence, it will take 'an' before it. We use the definite article 'the' before nouns that are specific. In the second sentence, we are referring to the specific airport that is nearest to the speaker's home. Hence, it will take 'the' before it.
52) Shopping is . . . . . . . . important work during the Puja.
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) none of these
Correct Answer - Option
Explanation : Here, 'work' is a singular subject and therefore indefinite article will be used. The word after the blank begins with vowel sound. 'An' article will be used.
Explanation : Here, 'language' word is a common noun and therefore indefinite article will be used. The word after the blank begins with vowel sound. 'An' article will be used.
Explanation : Here, 'friend' is a general class of people and therefore indefinite article will be used. Word after the blank starts without vowel sound. 'A' article will be used.
58) Do you remember the story about the thief who tried to steal . . . . . . . . Diamond from . . . . . . . . tall girl?
(A) a, an
(B) the, an
(C) the, the
(D) an, a
Correct Answer - Option
Explanation : The sentence suggests that the speaker believes that the listener already knows what he is referring to and the hint also indicates that. In this case, we use definite article, 'the' for both the nouns. Hence option C is the correct answer.
Explanation : The second person is one of the member of the club. Hence, 'a' article will be used.
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