Biochemistry MCQs and Notes


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 1. Amount of carbon in protein is approximately:

(A) 45-89%
(B) 50-55%
(C) 58-90%
(D) 40-50%


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 2. Fructose' and 'Galactose' combines to form:

(A) Xylose
(B) Lactulose
(C) Dextrose
(D) Laprose


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 3. How many numbers are there in three nucleotide codon system?

(A) 67
(B) 64
(C) 61
(D) 62


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 4. Atoms in 'pyrimidine' ring, ranges from

(A) 1 to 6
(B) 1 to 10
(C) 1 to 11
(D) 1 to 7


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 5. Vitamin 'B-6' is considered to be as an:

(A) Energy absorbing vitamin
(B) Energy releasing vitamin
(C) Energy storing vitamin
(D) Energy booster


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 6. Number of vitamins that are essential for humans is

(A) 12
(B) 16
(C) 15
(D) 18


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 7. Vitamin 'C' is a hexose derivative, closely resembles to:

(A) Oligosaccharides
(B) Monosaccharides
(C) Disaccharides
(D) Polysaccharides


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 8. Break down products of starch are

(A) Dextrans
(B) Dextrins
(C) Insulin
(D) Glucose


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 9. Citrus fruits, gooseberry, guava and tomatoes are enriched in:

(A) Vitamin C
(B) Proteins
(C) Acids
(D) Calcium


Akash Lawaniya • 9.58K Points
Tutor III

Q 10. Fatty fish, fish liver oil and egg yolk are dietary sources for

(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin D
(C) Vitamin E
(D) Vitamin D

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