Q. According to------------- the first revolt of the Mappilas of Malabar took place at Pantallur in 1836.
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Q. The German missionary who wrote the book Keralapazhama
Q. Malabar was ceded to English East India Company by the treaty of Srirangapatanam, When was the treaty of Srirangapatanam Signed
Q. Who was the only non Mappila arrested under Moplah Outrages Act of 1859 and later punished with lifetime imprisonment in connection with Malabar Rebellion of 1921?
Q. Who was the head of Wagon tragedy enquiry commission appointed by the government of Madras in which Manjeri Rama Iyyer was a non official member
Q. ---------------declared himself as the king of Hindus, the Amir of the Muslims and the colonel of the Khilafat army
Q. The Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee-KPCC-was split into two in --------with separate organization called Malabar Pradesh Congress Committee and Thiru-Kochi Pradesh Congress Committee on the issue of the formation of Kerala State.
Q. Which of the following was not associated with Malabar Rebellion of 1921 22
Q. The leader of Kurichia revolt was
Q. The Madras Marumakkathayam Act was passed in the year
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