Q) How many days are in a leap year?
In normal year there are 365 days. In Leap year, there are 366 days.
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Q) How many days are in a leap year?
In normal year there are 365 days. In Leap year, there are 366 days.
Q) Who was the first Commander in Chief of Indian Air Force in independent india
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Q) Who is the author of 'Train to Pakistan'?
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Q) Who was the first woman to climb Mount Everest?
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Q) When is the World Poetry Day recognized by the UNESCO observed?
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Q) The largest producer of rubber in India is?
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Q) Which city known as Pink city?
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Q) What is the capital of Assam?
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Q) Rovers Cup is associated with which of the following sports?
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Q) The head quarter of Federation Internationale De Football Association (FIFA) is located in _______.
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