Police constable test series 14
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Idiom phrases - To eat Humble pie
Idiom phrases - To end in smoke
Idiom phrases - To spill The Bean
One Words Substitution for - Committing Murder in revenge
One Words Substitution for - An unimportant person
One Words Substitution for- One who pretends to be what he is not
One Words Substitution for - A paper/story/poem/first written out by hand
Fill in the blank - The criminal was…………….lest he should escape.
Fill in the blank- it is due to this lethargy that the plan fell……………
Fill in the blank- Are you ……….stamp collecting?
Find The Error Indian Army is accused (a)/of objecting to a road construction (b)/ by Chinese side on (c)/ the disputed area.(d)/no error
Find The Error In our system (a)/the President acts of (b)/the advice of the Council(c)/ of Ministers..(d)/no error
One word for - A person who lives by himself.
One word for - The height of an object above sea level
One word for - One who gains benefit from something
Group of people living together in the same locality.
Find correctly spelt.
Which of the following fractions is the smallest ? 9/13 , 17/26 , 28/29 , 33/52
A large piece of 5cm*30cm*30 cm is cut into smaller pieces of size 5cm*5cm*10cm. How many smaller pieces can be obtained?
A group of friends decided to visit a fare and spend an amount of rupees 96 on food items.how ever four friends did not turn up,as a result,rest of the friends to incur an additional expense of rupees four each.find out the number of friends who visited the fare?
If an amount doubles in five year on a fixed rate of interest compounded annually, then in what time the amount will become eight times?
If the length and breadth of a rectangle are increased by 20 % , the percentage increase in the area of rectangle will be-
A man travels from one point to another point at a speed of 12 km/hour and returns back from the same point to his starting point at a speed of 8 km/hour. Calculate the average speed of his complete journey-
Agra : Yamuna : : Varanasi : ?
IJ : PR : : ? : SU
CD : IP : : EB : ?
12 : 72 : : 14 : ?
Find Out The Odd One
Complete series - 5, 10, 13, 52, 57, ?
In the following questions, select the related word / letters / number from the given alternatives. Student : Book : : Postman : ?
LOM : NMK : : PKI : ?
Complete series - 5 : 30 : : 8 : ?
If the following words are arranged according to English Dictionary, which word will be on third Place.
Complete the series - ACE, BDF , CEG, ?
Complete the series- 33, 48, 65, 84, ?, ?
In certain code COMPUTER is Written as OCPMTURE. In that code which alternative will be written as OHKCYE ?
If Ram’s house is located to the south of Krishna’s house and Govinda’s house is to the east of Krishna’s house, in what direction is Ram’s house situated whit respect to Govinda’s house ?
Find the synonym for - PROBITY
Find the synonym for - INNOCUOUS
Find the synonym for - ABJURE
Find the synonym for - EQUANIMITY
Find the synonym for - PONDEROUS
Find the synonym for - GNARLED
Find the synonym for - INURED
Find the synonym for - DISDAINFUL
Which one of the following places is not located on the bank of river Ganga?
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