Police constable test series 53
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Which word does NOT belong with the others?
In a certain code JA KI MO PE means AT A FROG'S LEAP, MO LA KI SO means TAKE A LEAP AHEAD and RE BO JA NA means INSECTS ARE FROG'S DIET. Which of the following is code for AT in that language?
In a certain code, THEN is coded as VFGL. How the WORD may be coded?
If A = 4, K = 3, N = 2, P = 1, then the sum of which set of the letters makes the highest number?
In a certain code ORCHESTRA is written as ARTSEORCH. How is DREAMLAND written in that code. ORESTRA
If in a certain code, LUTE is written as MUTE and FATE is written as GATE, then how will BLUE be written in that code?
In a certain code, FAVOUR is written as EBUPTS. How is DANGER written in that code?
If in a certain language, MIRACLE is coded as NKUEHRL, then how is GAMBLE coded in that language?
If DELHI can be coded as CCIDD, how would you code BOMBAY?
In a certain code language, THANKS is written as SKNTHA. How is STUPID written in that code language?
In a certain code language, COMPUTRONE is written as PMOCTUENOR. How is ADVANTAGES written in that code?
In a certain code language, ORIENTAL is written as MBUOFJSP. How is COWARDLY written in that code language?
In a certain code language, STREAMLING is written as CGTVUHOJMN. How will the word PERIODICAL be written in that language?
In a certain code, RAIL is written as KCTN and SPEAK is written as CGRUM. How will AVOID be written in that code?
Find the correctly spelt word.
Find the correct spelt word.
One word substitution for: One who cannot easily pleased:
One word substitution for: The murder of Brother:
One word substitution for: A person who is indifferent to pains and pleasure of life:
One word substitution for: An act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play:
One word substitution for: A disease which spreads by contact:
One word substitution for: A man who rarely speaks the truth:
One word substitution for: A remedy for all diseases:
One word substitution for: International destruction of racial groups:
One word substitution for: Custom of having many wives:
One word substitution for: A pioneer of a reform movement:
In what time will Rs. 3300 becomes Rs. 3399 at 6% per annum interest compounded half-yearly?
Choose the word which is different from the rest.