Police si test series 25
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Which one of the following statements regarding the Preamble is correct?
The Indian Constitution has borrowed the ideas of Preamble from the:
Secularism means:
In a Federal State:
India opted for a federal form of government because of:
Which one of the following statements is correct?
The word 'socialist secular' and 'unity and integrity of the Nation' were added to our Constitution by :
The Preamble of the Constitution of India envisages that:
The correct nomenclature of India according to the Preamble is:
India is a democratic republic, because:
The Preamble of our Constitution:
Which of the following is not a part of the Preamble to the Indian Constitution?
The Eight-fold path was enunciated by
The Buddha
The Buddhist Doctrines were written in
The first Buddhist Council was held a
Ashoka was much influenced by Buddhist monk called
Megasthanes visited India during the period of
Megasthanes was the Ambassador of
“The Indica" was written by
Mauryan Dynasty was founded by
The main occupation of the Aryans was
The Rig Veda consists of
The Yueh-Chi were driven out from western China by the
Which of the following Minor Rock Edicts of Ashoka describes the Conquest of Kalinga by Ashoka?
Which of the following Vedas is rendered musically?
Of the following who was the hero of a famous drama Malvlkagnimitra written by Kalidasa?
The duties of Dharmamahamatras are explained in the Minor Rock Edict No___.
Which of the following subjects is not dealt with in the Puranas?
The Vishnu Purana, gives an account of _____.
A well-organised State machinery was Introduced for the first time by
The last Mauryan king was
Bimbisara was succeeded by
The Upanishads are separated from the Brahmanas by treatises called _______.
The religious movements of Buddhism and Jainism were led by
Whom can we call the first national ruler of India?
The salient feature of the Rig Vedic religion was worship of
The 'Brahmanas' deals with
Which of the following was the God of Animal during the later Vedic period?
Which of the following animals was not known to the people of Indus Valley Civilisation?
Megasthanese was a Greek Ambassador sent to the court of _____
Mudra Rakahasa was written by
The Indus Civilisation is noted for its
The language which contributed to the spread of Buddhism was
Which of the following was the cause of the decline of Buddhism?
The Harappans did not know the use of
Dharmamahamatras were ______ during the Mauryans.
During the period of Sungas there was a revival of ______.
Kanva dynasty was established by
Kharavela of Kalinga was a follower of