Tet test series 21
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Find the error part: The US (a)/ don’t want (b)/ India in the Security Council. (c)/ No Error (d)
Synonym for- Advocate
Synonym for - Preamble
Antonym for - Ambiguous
Idiom phrases - To play second fiddle
One word substitute for - Detailed plan of journey
One word substitute for - A general pardon granted by the Government to political offenders
Find the correctly spelt word.
Non Resident Indians (NRI) Day is marked on
Who was the Viceroy at the time of Quit India Movement ?
'Farad’ is the unit of
In which part of the Indian Constitution, the fundamental rights are enshrined ?
At which temperature the centigrade and Fahrenheit scales are equal?
A liquid drop tends to assume a spherical shape because of.
Scent sprayer is based on?
The reason of mirage is?
The National Girl Child Day is observed every year on
What is the currency of Kenya?
What is Retirement Age of Supreme Court Judge?
Paper Currency was Started in India in Which year?
Which Article of Constitution provides for the institution of Panchayati Raj ?
Red light is used in traffic signals, because
One word for - The Study Of Rocks And Soils
One word for - One Who Is A Habitual Drunkard
One word for - An Exaggerated Statement
One word for - The Act Of Enjoying Or Having An Experience Indirectly
One word for - A Treatise On One Subject
One word for - An Embarrassing Mistake
One word for - The Art Of Painting On A Plaster Surface
One word for - A Person Who Is Filled With Excessive Enthusiasm
Who build the khajuraho temple?
Alberuni lived during the period of which one of following?
The number of Puranas is
One word for - one who eats everything.
One word for - The rules of officials.
One word for - Government by the rich.
One word for - The action of looking within or into one’s own mind?
One word for - of outstanding significance
One word for- walking in sleep.
One word for - Relationship by blood or birth.
One word for - Present opposing argument or evidence.
One word for - To mediate between two parties in a dispute
One word for - A government run by a dictator.
What type of galaxy is the Milk Way?
The World Day of Social Justice was observed globally .
Which among the following options is a valid file extension for MS Word file?
Which is the biggest Planet in the world?
The word ‘Sathyameva Jayate’ is taken from __________
Dandia’ is a popular dance of