Tet test series 57
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Meaning of idioms and phrases: Made light of
Meaning of idioms and phrases: Gall and wormwood
One word substitution for- A rough, violent, troublesome person
Who among the following was born in Agra?
Choose the word which can improve the sentence: I have not finished to paint the door.
One word substitution for- A disease which is spread by direct contact.
One word substitution for- The study of Ancient Civilizations.
One word substitution for- An animal story with a moral.
choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. Mendicant
choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word Instinctive
choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. Clone
choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. Feeble
choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. Adulterate
Find the error part: Many a battle (a)/ were fought (b)/ on the soil of India. (c)/ No error (d)
Find the error part: He advised me (a)/ from exerting myself too much (b)/ just before the examinations. (c)/ No error (d)
Find the error part: Have you got (a)/ all the equipments (b)/ for making films? (c)/No error (d)
Who of the following was known as Deshbandhu?
In the Following questions, select the related letters / words / numbers from the given alternatives. BYE : DAG : : GDJ : ?
In the Following questions, select the related letters / words / numbers from the given alternatives. PNLJ : IGEC : : VTRP : ?
In the Following questions, select the related letters / words / numbers from the given alternatives. ABCE : DCEG : : ? : EGKM
In the Following questions, select the related letters / words / numbers from the given alternatives. 16 : 36 : : 49 : ?
complete the series. BDF, CFI, EIM,..?…
complete the series. 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12,…..?….
If two days before yesterday is Monday, What will be the day of the week 3 days after day after tomorrow ?
Choose the word cannot be formed from the letters of the given word ‘CHRISTMAS’.
In the mesopotamian records , which one of the following terms was used for the Indus valley (Harappa)?
The most significant feature of Indus Valley civilization was
The staple food of the vedic Aryan was:
Who is the most important God in Rigveda?
Which river has not been mentioned in Rigveda?
Fill in the blank with suitable word: The song in the play cannot be deleted as it is________ to the story.
Fill in the blank with suitable word: She remained a _________ all her life.
Choose the one which bets expresses the meaning of the given word. DELUGE
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. PREPONDERANCE
One word substitution for- An objection or portion service as a sample
One word substitution for- The Practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote
Usain Bolt is Famous as :
In which of the following year the Gandhi – Irwin pact was signed?
Select the related Words / Letter / Number / Figure From the given Alternatives. Quack : Duck : : Neigh : ?
SRPQ : ONLM : : KJHI : ?
Select the related Words / Letter / Number / Figure From the given Alternatives. 11 : 121 : 110 : : 15 : 225 : 210 : : ?
Arrange the Following Word According to the Dictionary : Grasp Granite Grass Graph Grape
If LOSE is coded as 1357 and GAIN is coded as 2468, what do the figures 84615 stand for ?
A man started walking west. He turned right, then right again and finally turned lest. Towards which direction was he walking now?
If + mean ‘minus’– mean ‘multiplied by’ + mean ‘plus’ and × mean ‘divide by’, then 10 × 5 ÷ 3 – 2 + 3 = ?
From the given Alternatives select the Word which Cannot be formed using the letters given in the word. PERMANENT
When was Poona pact signed between Mahatma Gandhi and Baba Saheb Ambedkar ?
Silent Valley’ is in
One Word Substitution Not giving proper attention.