Upsc test series 23
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The reflection by plane mirror
Contact force is another name for ……
Which instrument is used to convert mechanical energy into electric energy
Kwasir kor is caused by deficiences of ?
Fats and oil are
DNA in biological sense refers to
Malaria can be caused by the bite of the mosquito
Fat is
The hapatitis -B, which affects liver, is actually
The amino acid are the end product of digestion of
Foul smell in a Urinal is caused due to ?
A microscope used in pathological laboratories forms
Orology’ is the study of
Polio vaccine was developed by
Reasoning - Philatelist : Stamps : : ?
Find the error - The King Juan Carlos (a) of Spain arrived in London (b) today For a three day visit.(c)no error (d)
Find The Error They are looking forward to meet their parents. (a) looking forward to meet (b) their parents (c) no error (d)
Find The Error i was first (a) to reach the school (b) today (c) no error (d)
Find The Error- I don’t have (a)any money to (b) spend for luxuries (c) no error (d)
Idiom phrases - To eat Humble pie
Idiom phrases - To spill The Bean
What does the LOOKUP function do?
Which of the following is a correct order of precedence in a formula calculation?
A function inside another function is called a _______ function.
Which of the following will set text in selected cells to italics?
Microsoft Office is a __________.
The valid format of MS Word is __________.
Thick , rigid metal platters that are capable of sorting and retrieving information at a high rate of speed are known as _______
Artificial intelligence is associated with which generation
A collection of computers and devices connected together via communication devices and transmission media is called
The software that is used to create text – based document are referred to as ________
The Output devices make it possible to .
The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the internet is known as
A series of Instruction that tells a computer what to do it is called as
Programming language built into user programs such as Word and Excel are known as____
The basic input /output system (BIOS) is stored in:
Find the error part- Every man, woman and child (a)/ is now aware of the terrible consequences (b)/ of habit of smoking. (c)/ No error (d)
Find the error part - Children who have had (a)/ good Pre-School Education are most likely (b)/ to out-do other children at school. (c)/ No error (d)
Find the error part - He was an atheist (a)/ but now-a-days he goes to the church (b)/ and offers prayers for hours. (c)/ No error (d)
Synonym for - Quiver
Antonym of - Penchant
Antonym of - Salvage
Antonym of - Frugal
The computer’s capability of distinguishing spoken words is called ___________
Fill in the correct verb to make a complete meaningful sentences. Did you think, you ……….. me somewhere before.
Fill in the correct verb to make a complete meaningful sentences. The Principal ……….. the peon to let the girl come in.
Synonyms for the given word - ‘Mythical’
Antonyms for the given word - ‘Courteous’
Choose the error part - One should be particular (a)/ when he is (b)/ crossing a busy lane. (c)/ No error (d)
Choose the error part - The rice from Dehradun is (a)/ more superior (b)/ to that Saharanpur. (c)/ No error (d)