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Virat Bhati • 7.23K Points
Tutor III History

(A) Muhammad bin Qasim
(B) Al Hazzaz
(C) Qutbuddin Aibak
(D) Allauddin Khilji
Correct Answer - Option(A)
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Explanation by: Virat Bhati
Muhammad bin Qasim Al-Thaqafi (c. 31 December 695- 
18 July 715) was an Umayyad general who conquered 
the Sindh and Punjab regions along the Indus River 
(now a part of Pakistan) for the Umayyad Caliphate. 
He was born and raised in the city of Taif (in modern 
day Saudi Arabia). Qasim's conquest of Sindh and 
Punjab enabled further Islamic expansion into India.

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