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Chandan Das • 6.78K Points
Tutor III Physics

(A) Highest refraction
(B) Multiple internal reflections
(C) Multiple surface reflections
(D) Hundred percent transmission
Correct Answer - Option(B)
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Explanation by: Chandan Das
Diamond has remarkable optical characteristics. Because of its extremely rigid lattice, it can be contaminated by very few types of impurities, such as boron and nitrogen. Combined with wide transparency, this results in the clear, colourless appearance of most natural diamonds. Small amounts of defects or impurities (about one per million of lattice atoms) colour diamond blue (boron), yellow (nitrogen), brown (lattice defects), green (radiation exposure), purple, pink, orange or red. Diamond also has relatively high optical dispersion (ability to disperse light of different colours), which results in its characteristic luster. Excellent optical and mechanical properties, combined with efficient marketing, make diamond the most popular gemstone. 

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