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Bijay Kumar • 5.24K Points
Tutor III English

(A) The police has arrested two motorcycle mechanics for their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts.
(B) The police arrested two motorcycle mechanics for their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts.
(C) For their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts, police had arrested two motorcyclemechanics.
(D) For their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts, two motorcycle mechanics have beenarrested.
Correct Answer - Option(B)
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Explanation by: Jatin Dubey
Use structure “subject ( No one ) + auxiliary + past participle + object”( Negative sentence )
As per the given above sentence is given in Active Voice.
The police arrested two motorcycle mechanics for their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts.
Option B is correct sentence .

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