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Ravi Chauhan • 9.28K Points
Tutor III History

(A) Muhammad Qasim
(B) Abdul Latif
(C) Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
(D) Rashid Ahmed Gangohi
Correct Answer - Option(D)
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Explanation by: Ravi Chauhan
Nawab Abdul Latif Khan: (1828–1893) a prominent personality of mid-19th century Bengal, the pioneer of Muslim modernization and the architect of the Muslim Renaissance, was one of those great men who appeared as saviors of their frustrated, humiliated, demoralized, and disorganized fellow countrymen under colonial rule.

His chief contribution was in the field of education. He was among the first to understand that young Bengali Muslims should receive modern education. He understood that the Muslims of Bengal had fallen behind in everything because of their prejudices against modern education.

He devoted his whole life to removing this self-destructive prejudice from their minds.

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