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Chandrakant • 6.73K Points
Tutor III Computer

(A) developing a document by entering text using a keyboard
(B) copying a document from memory to a storage medium
(C) copying a document from memory to a storage medium
(D) making changes to a document's existing content
Correct Answer - Option(C)
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Explanation by: Chandrakant
Saving is the process of copying data from a temporary area to a more permanent storage medium. For example, when you edit a file with a word processor, the word processor copies the entire file, or portions of the file, into an area of main memory called a buffer. Any changes you make to the file are made to the copy in the buffer not to the real file on the disk. The buffer is temporary- as soon as you exit the program or turn off the computer, the buffer disappears. To record your modifications to the file on the disk, you must save the file. When you do this, the word processor copies the contents of the buffer to the file on the disk, replacing the previous version of the file.

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