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Madan • 7.44K Points
Tutor III History

(A) Susruta
(B) Chyavana
(C) Dhanwantari
(D) Charaka
Correct Answer - Option(C)
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Explanation by: Madan
Dhanvantari is the Hindu god of medicine and an avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is mentionned in the Puranas as the god of Ayurveda. He is a Yakshas, and during the Samudramanthan arose from the Ocean of Milk with the nectar of immortality. It is common practice in Hinduism for worshipers to pray to Dhanvantari seeking his blessings for sound health for themselves and/or others, especially on Dhanteras or Dhanwantari Trayodashi. The Indian Government has declared that Dhanwantari Trayodashii Kumara every year would be celebrated as "National Ayurveda Day". 

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