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Akash Lawaniya • 9.48K Points
Tutor III Politics

(A) Union List
(B) State List
(C) Concurrent List
(D) Residuary Subjects
Correct Answer - Option(C)
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Explanation by: Vinay Kumar
The subjects defined and enlisted under the List-III of the Seventh Schedule of The Constitution of India, form the joint domain of both the State Governments and the Union territories of India as well as the Central Government of India under these subjects. This is known as Concurrent List. The practical importance of the Concurrent list, (when adopted in any federation) lies in the fact, that the vesting of the same type of power in two parallel agencies carries, within it, the seeds of a possible conflict. This implies, that the Constitution (of the country concerned) should provide, in advance, a mechanism for resolving such conflict. In India, article 254 of the Constitution primarily seeks to incorporate such a mechanism.

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