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Ruchi Sharma • 9.84K Points
Tutor III Math

(A) 10 : 27 : 41 AM
(B) 8 : 51 : 04 AM
(C) 9 : 45 : 15 PM
(D) 10 : 23 : 20 PM
Correct Answer - Option(D)
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Explanation by: Ruchi Sharma
The watch gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes = 100 seconds in 1 hour.
From 8 AM to 10 PM on the same day, time passed is 14 hours.
In 14 hours, the watch would have gained 1400 seconds or 23 minutes 20 seconds.
So, when the correct time is 10 PM, the watch would show 10 : 23 : 20 PM

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