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Santosh Mishra • 1.61K Points
Master Reasoning

(A) 13
(B) 65
(C) 271
(D) 817
Correct Answer - Option(B)
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Explanation by: Santosh Mishra
The given series is in the below pattern,
∴ First term = 2
Second term = ( First term × 6 ) + 1 = 13
Third term = ( Second term × 5 ) + 2 = 65 , 67 should be sixth term because ( 13 × 5 ) + 2 = 67 .
So 65 is wrong. we get 67 as Third term.
Similarly we can find the all terms
Fourth term = ( Third term × 4 ) + 3 = 271
Fifth term = ( Fourth term × 3 ) + 2 = 817
Sixth term = 1639,
Seventh term = 1645.

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