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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

(A) a, an, the, the
(B) a, an, an, the
(C) a, a, a, a
(D) a, a, the, the
Correct Answer - Option(D)
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Explanation by: Mr. Dubey
The nouns 'newspaper' and 'magazine' are mentioned for the first time in the first half of the sentence, they both are non specific as well as singular, hence we use the indefinite article 'a' for both. 'An' would not be used because both the nouns begin with a consonant and not a vowel. 'The' is used in the second half of the sentence because the nouns have already been mentioned before. Now they refer to specific nouns and hence we use the definite article 'the' for both nouns.

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