Reasoning MCQ Questions with answers

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Chandani • 9.81K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

1) Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group

  • (A) Fir
  • (B) Tail
  • (C) Trunk
  • (D) Feather
Correct Answer - Option (A)


Fir, Tail, and Trunk are all associated with trees or animals with trunks/tails.

Fir is a type of tree.

Trunk can refer to a tree trunk or an elephant’s trunk.

Tail is a part of animals.

Feather, however, is a distinct feature of birds, making it different from the others.

Thus, the least similar word is (D) Feather.


Chandani • 9.81K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

2) Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group

  • (A) Leopard
  • (B) Panther
  • (C) Lion
  • (D) Fox
Correct Answer - Option (D)


Leopard, Panther, and Lion belong to the Felidae (cat) family and are classified as big cats.

Fox, however, belongs to the Canidae (dog) family, making it different from the others.

Thus, (D) Fox is the word that is least like the others.


Chandani • 9.81K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

3) Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.

  • (A) Cousin
  • (B) Niece
  • (C) Nephew
  • (D) Brother
Correct Answer - Option (D)


Cousin, Niece, and Nephew refer to extended family members, meaning they are not direct siblings.

Brother, however, is an immediate family member (sibling).

Thus, (D) Brother is the word that is least like the others.


Chandani • 9.81K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

4) Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.

  • (A) Television
  • (B) Computer
  • (C) Radio
  • (D) X-ray
Correct Answer - Option (D)


Television, Computer, and Radio are all electronic devices used for communication and entertainment.

X-ray, however, is a type of radiation used for medical imaging and scientific purposes, not for communication or entertainment.

Thus, the word "X-ray" is the least like the others, making (D) X-ray the correct answer.


Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

5) Pointing to a photograph, a man said, “I have no brother or sister but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Whose photograph was it?

  • (A) His nephew’s
  • (B) His father’s
  • (C) His own
  • (D) His son’s
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

6) Tharik said to Nitin, “That boy playing with the football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my father’s wife.” How is the boy playing football related to Tharik?

  • (A) Nephew
  • (B) Cousin
  • (C) Son
  • (D) Brother
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

7) If Senthil says, “Ravi’s mother is the only daughter of my mother”, how is Senthil related to Ravi?

  • (A) Brother
  • (B) Father
  • (C) Grandfather
  • (D) None of these
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

8) Looking at a portrait of a man, Harsh said, “His mother is the wife of my father’s son. Brothers and Sisters I have none.” At whose portrait was Harsh looking?

  • (A) His nephew
  • (B) His uncle
  • (C) His cousin
  • (D) His son
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

9) Pointing to an old man, Kailash said, “His son is my son’s uncle.” How is the old man related to Kailash?

  • (A) Grandfather
  • (B) Father
  • (C) Uncle
  • (D) Brother
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

10) In such questions, the relationships are represented by certain codes or symbols such as +, -, x, /, *, etc. Then relationships between certain persons, given the form of these codes, are to be analysed.
If A + B means A is the brother of B; A + B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B. Which of the following means M is the uncle of P?

  • (A) M + N x P
  • (B) M + K ÷ T x P
  • (C) M + S + R + P
  • (D) N x P + M
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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