# Mahavira rejected Vedic principles. # He did not believe in God’s existence. According to him, the universe is a product of the natural phenomenon of cause and effect. # He believed in Karma and transmigration of the soul. The body dies but the soul does not. # One will be punished or rewarded as per one’s karma. # Advocated a life of austerity and non-violence. # Stressed on equality but did not reject the caste system, unlike Buddhism. But he also said that man may be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ as per his actions and not birth. # Asceticism was taken to a great length. Starvation, nudity, and self-mortification were expounded. # Two elements of the world: Jiva (conscious) and Atma (unconscious): 1. Right faith 2. Right knowledge 3. Right conduct (observance of five vows) a) Ahimsa (non-violence) b) Satya (truth) c) Asteya (no stealing) d) Parigraha (no acquiring property) e) Brahmacharya (abstinence)