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The Pacific Ocean

Filed under: Geography Hydrosphere on 2021-07-27 07:07:57
# Largest and deepest ocean.
# Covers about one-third of the earth’s surface.
# Average depth is generally around 7,300 metres.
# Its shape is roughly triangular with its apex in the north at the Bering Strait.
# Many marginal seas, bays and gulfs occur along its boundaries.
# Nearly 20,000 islands dot this vast ocean.

Pacific ocean divided into 3 parts: 
1. North and Central Pacific
2. West and South-West Pacific
3. South-East Pacific

1. North and Central Pacific

# Characterized by maximum depth and a large number of deeps, trenches and islands.
# Some well-known trenches are Aleutian and Kuril.
# There are also a large number of seamounts and guyots. [Hawaiian Hotspot]

2. West and South-West Pacific

# Average depth is about 4,000 m.
# It is marked by a variety of islands, marginal seas, continental shelves and submarine trenches.
# Mariana Trench and Mindanao Trench are very deep with a depth of more than 10,000 metres.

4. South-East Pacific

# This part is conspicuous for the absence of # marginal seas, and has submarine ridges and plateaus.
# The Tonga and Atacama trenches are prominent.
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