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Explain WeakSet in javascript

Filed under: JavaScript Interview Questions on 2022-08-02 06:13:53

In javascript, a Set is a collection of unique and ordered elements. Just like Set, WeakSet is also a collection of unique and ordered elements with some key differences:

  • Weakset contains only objects and no other type.
  • An object inside the weakset is referenced weakly. This means, that if the object inside the weakset does not have a reference, it will be garbage collected.
  • Unlike Set, WeakSet only has three methods, add() , delete() and has() .

const newSet = new Set([4, 5, 6, 7]); console.log(newSet);// Outputs Set {4,5,6,7} const newSet2 = new WeakSet([3, 4, 5]); //Throws an error let obj1 = {message:"Hello world"}; const newSet3 = new WeakSet([obj1]); console.log(newSet3.has(obj1)); // true

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Ruchi Sharma     View Profile
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