Power Calculator in JavaScript
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Power Calculator in JavaScript

Filed under: JavaScript on 2023-08-06 20:54:31

Create a function that takes voltage and current and returns the calculated power.


circuitPower(230, 10) ➞ 2300

circuitPower(110, 3) ➞ 330

circuitPower(480, 20) ➞ 9600


Requires basic calculation of electrical circuits. Power = voltage * current; 

We will use this calculation in our function.


function circuitPower(voltage, current){

let power = voltage * current;

return power;



var voltage = 220;

var current = 10;

var power = circuitPower(voltage, current);


console.log(power); // You can copy this code and print in your IDE to view 2200 in your console.


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