Showing Topics for "history, satvahan dynasty"
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Showing 10 Search Results for : history, satvahan dynasty

Kalinga War Ancient History

Filed under: History, Ancient History, Satvahan Dynasty on 2021-06-23 20:13:28
# The Rock Edict XIII describes brightly the horrors and miseries of Kalinga war and its impact on Ashoka’s life.

# The Rock Edict XIII describes that one lakh people were killed in this war, several lakhs perished and a lakh and a half were taken prisoners.

#:These figures might be exaggera

Economy of Satvahan Dynasty

Filed under: History, Ancient History, Satvahan Dynasty on 2021-06-23 20:03:23
# Major economic system of Satavahana and other contemporary dynasties was well organized and systematic.

# There was all round development in the field of agriculture, industry, and trade during this period.

# Agriculture was the main occupation of a large section of the people.

# The land

Facts about Satavahana Dynasty

Filed under: History, Ancient History, Satvahan Dynasty on 2021-06-20 11:07:14
In the northern region, the Mauryas were succeeded by the Sungas and the Kanvas. However, the Satavahanas (natives) succeeded the Mauryas in Deccan and in Central India.

# It is believed that after the decline of the Mauryas and before the advent of the Satavahans, there must have been numerous s