Home / Rahul / English Language MCQs
Total questions: 15
Q. Which one of the following elements isotope is used in the treatment of cancer
Q. The duration of monsoon in India extend for an average period of
Q. What is the value of 8cos10°.cos20°.cos40°
Q. What is the value of cos48°- cos12°
Q. If A is a matrix of order 3*5 and B is a matrix of order 5*3,then the order of AB and BA will be
Q. What is the maximum value of sinx.cosx
Q. When a ball bounce off the ground, which of the following changes suddenly
Q. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of change in colours when a turmeric stain on white clothes is scrubbed by soap and then washed with water
Q. Which one of the following types of radiation has the smallest wave length
Q. Which one of the following is the best example of desiccant
Q. Which one of the following is not the unit of energy
Q. Vinegar is also known as
Q. Which one of the following was the first mineral acid discovered
Q. Which one of the following is the major constituent of biogas
Q. Which one of the following substance is not a mixture