Home / Chandan Das / English MCQs Solution

Chandan Das updated solution of these english language mcqs.

Q. Antonym of Opulence

Q. Arrange the sentence in correct order: (A) a valuable aid to education (B) the cinema offers (C)

Q. Select the word which has same relation: King : Throne :: Rider : ?

Q. Quack : Duck :: Bellows : ?Select the word which has same relation:

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Rat : Cat :: Worm : ?

Q. Select the word which has same relation: Ornaments : Gold :: Needle : ?

Q. In which Indus Valley Civilization sites, the people were known to water reservoir technique?

Q. Which amongst the following is not a site of Indus Valley Civilization?

Q. Bronze statue of dancing girl has been excavated a

Q. If 5th march of a particular year is Friday then which day of the week will be on 5th November.

Q. The human heart is

Q. Which is called the "Lake District of India"?

Q. Which of the following river forms estuary?

Q. Deforestation results in : 1. flora destruction 2. fauna destruction 3. ecological disbalance

Q. Why have the incidents of flood risen in India recently?

Q. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : ccbab _ caa _ bccc _ a _

Q. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ bca _ cca _ ca _ b _ c

Q. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : m n o n o p q o p q r s _ _ _ _ _

Q. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : ab _ bbc _ c _ ab _ ab _ b

Q. In a certain code language 'CHAT' is written as 'SUZBGIBD'. How will 'APT' be coded in that language

Q. If in a certain code language 'TRUE' is coded as 'USSQVTFD', then what is the code for 'PRAY' in the

Q. If in a certain code language 'GO' is written as 'FHNP', then how will 'SUN' be written in that lang

Q. If in a certain code language 'LAP' is coded as 'KMZBOQ', then how will 'NOTE' be written in that la

Q. If in a certain code language 'RAM' is written as 'QSZBLN', 'LOVE' is written as 'KMNPUWDF', then

Q. If in a certain language 'NIL' is written as 'MOHJKM', then how will 'COMB' be written in that langu

Q. If in a certain code language 'NAME' is written as 'MOZBLNDF', 'PUN' is written as 'OQTVMO', then ho

Q. In a certain code language 'PINKY' is coded as 'XZJLMOHJOQ'. How will 'VANDY' be coded in that langu

Q. Find the error part: I have got / my M.Sc. degree / in 1988.

Q. Hardest allotrope of carbon is

Q. Diamonds are glittering and attractive because light incident on them undergoes

Q. Dry ice is the solid form of :

Q. Pointing to the woman in the picture, Rajiv said, “Her mother has only one grandchild whose mo

Q. Looking at a lady in a photograph, Tanya said, ?She is my mother‘s mother‘s daughter?. H

Q. Pointing to a person, a man said to a woman, "His mother is the only daughter of your father.&q

Q. Deepak has a brother Anil. Deepak is the son of Prem. Aditya is Prem’s father. In terms of rel

Q. A man showed a boy next to him and said – “He is the son of my wife’s sister-in-la

Q. ____ goverment is better than other forms of government because it allows us to correct its own mist

Q. Which are the two forms of Democracy-

Q. Idioms and phrases for- A laughing stock

Q. Idioms and phrases for- Bad blood

Q. Idioms and phrases for- Cut short

Q. Idioms and phrases for- Ruffle somebody’s feather

Q. Idioms and phrases for- With might and main

Q. Idioms and phrases for- At loose ends

Q. Idioms and phrases for- Take up the hatchet

Q. Idioms and phrases for- Turn over a new leaf

Q. Idioms and phrases for- Over egg the pudding

Q. Idioms and phrases for- From stem to stern

Q. A bird sitting on a high tension electric wire does not get electrocuted because

Q. Pure water is bad conductor of electricity because it is-

Q. The metal used to make lightning conductors is

Q. Radiocarbon dating technique is used to estimate the age of

Q. Monopolies and restrictive Trade practices (MRTP) act was passed in:

Q. Which of the following animals was unknown in Indus Valley Civilization?

Q. The whole Tamilakam in the Sangam period was divided into which of the following tinais, or ecozones

Q. Which of the following kings is credited for uniting the eastern Chalukyas of Vengi with the Cholas?

Q. Which of the following Chola kings Succeeded by Virarajendra?

Q. Which of the following Pallavan Kings set up the capital at Kanchi?

Q. Superb structures of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva were set up at which of the following places during th

Q. The Later Chalukyan king Taila III ruled during which of the following periods?

Q. Match the following: List I List II (Rivers) (Towns) A. Gomti 1. Guwahati B. Brahmaputra 2.

Q. Which one among the following Indian rivers originates in Maharashtra and flows through Karnataka an

Q. Which of the following best explain why the lower course of a river is sometimes chocked with sedime

Q. Match the dams and the rivers across which those have been constructed. List I List II (Dam) (Ri

Q. The town which is situated at the confluence of Bhagirathi and Alaknanda is

Q. Find the wrong term. 2, 5, 10, 50, 500, 5000

Q. Find the word which has same relation: Planet : Orbit :: Projectile : ?

Q. Command : Order :: Confusion : ?

Q. In programming, repeating some statement is usually called–