Home / Kirti / Programming Language MCQs
Total questions: 176
Q. What is the output of the following code snippet?
Q. The functions provide() and require() of Dojo toolkit and Google’s Closure library are used for
Q. You can refresh the webpage in JavaScript by using
Q. What is the procedure to add methods to HTMLElement so that they will be inherited by the objects that represent the HTML tags in the current document?
Q. How can we make methods available on all objects?
Q. Which is the correct code that returns a complex number that is the complex conjugate of this one?
Q. Consider the following code snippet
Q. Which method of the iterable object returns an iterator object for the collection?
Q. Which exception does the Iterators throw from their next() method when there are no more values to iterate, that work on finite collections ?
Q. Which looping statement allows XML tags to appear in JavaScript programs and adds API for operating on XML data?
Q. The class that represents the regular expressions is
Q. Which are usually variables that are used internally in object methods and also are globally visible variables?
Q. The object whose properties are inherited by all instances of the class, and properties whose values are functions behaving like instance methods of the class, is
Q. The four kinds of class members are
Q. Which method to use while working with XML fragments, instead of XML()?
Q. What is the return type of typeof for standard JavaScript objects?
Q. When will the finally block be called?
Q. What will be the reaction when a catch clause has no conditionals ?
Q. What is the code to be used to trim whitespaces ?
Q. If A is the superclass and B is the subclass, then subclass inherting the superclass can be represented as
Q. The snippet that filters the filtered set is
Q. The method that can be used to create new properties and also to modify the attributes of existing properties is
Q. When a class B can extend another class A, we say that
Q. The property of JSON() method is
Q. What is the code required to delete all “weight” tags?
Q. Which of the following is an example to perform the most common XML manipulations using the XML objects invocation?
Q. Consider the following code snippet :
Q. The meaning for Augmenting classes is that
Q. The basic difference between JavaScript and Java is
Q. The keyword or the property that you use to refer to an object through which they were invoked is
Q. The behaviour of the instances present of a class inside a method is defined by
Q. The maximum zoom percentage in Microsoft PowerPoint is
Q. When an image is selected, it displays which of the following?
Q. On which part of the chart are the values entered in a data sheet displayed?
Q. Which of the following format options should be used to display dollars on an axis?
Q. What is the term used when a clip art image changes the direction it faces?
Q. You edit an embedded table object by
Q. To adjust the width of table columns, you
Q. The effect applied to display when slides changes in slide show view is
Q. If you select Insert > Picture > From File
Q. Which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same 'look' ?
Q. What is a slide-title master pair?
Q. In Microsoft PowerPoint, two kinds of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation are
Q. To preview a motion path effect using the custom animation task pane, you should
Q. In order to edit a chart, you can
Q. If you have a PowerPoint show you created and want to send using email to another teacher you can add the show to your email message as a (an)
Q. In the context of animations, what is a trigger?
Q. You can edit an embedded organization chart object by
Q. You can embed a MS-Organization Chart in a slide by
Q. Which option on the custom animation task pane allows you to apply a preset or custom motion path?
Q. How can you create a uniform appearance by adding a background image to all slides?
Q. Which option allows you to select line, curve, freeform or scribble tools?
Q. What is the term used when a clip art image changes the direction of faces?
Q. Which of the following tool enables you to add text to a slide without using the standard placeholders?
Q. Want a PowerPoint photo album slide show to play continuously?
Q. What is the return value of trunc()?
Q. Select all options that print.
Q. What is the average value of the following Python code snippet?
Q. The following is displayed by a print function call. Select all of the function calls that result in this output.
Q. Which of the following results in a Syntax Error?
Q. In order to store values in terms of key and value we use what core data type.
Q. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?
Q. What error occurs when you execute the following Python code snippet?
Q. What is the return type of function id?
Q. Which of the following will run without errors?
Q. Which of these in not a core data type?
Q. Which class is a library of functions to perform arithmetic operations of BigInteger and BigDecimal?
Q. What is BigDecimal.ONE?
Q. BigDecimal is a part of which package?
Q. Which of the following is not provided by BigDecimal?
Q. What is the limitation of toString() method of BigDecimal?
Q. What is the base of BigDecimal data type?
Q. Which of the below data type doesn’t support overloaded methods for +,-,* and /?
Q. Which of the following is the advantage of BigDecimal over double?
Q. What is the output of below code snippet?
Q. If we try to add Enum constants to a TreeSet, what sorting order will it use?
Q. What is the order of variables in Enum?
Q. What is the output of this program?
Q. Which of the following are legal lines of Java code?
Q. The following program:
Q. The smallest integer type is _____ and its size is _____ bits.
Q. Which of these coding types is used for data type characters in Java?
Q. What is the numerical range of a char data type in Java?
Q. Which data type value is returned by all transcendental math functions?
Q. Which of these literals can be contained in float data type variable?
Q. What is the range of byte data type in Java?
Q. Approximate range of double is
Q. For storing a value, double uses
Q. The range of floating point is
Q. Float has _____ bits of storage
Q. A Signed 64-bit type is named as
Q. The range of Short is
Q. Which one loop is also known as Entry Control loop
Q. Exit for loop is an example of
Q. A loop in java ends with
Q. Which one is a correct if statement
Q. The protected access modifier can be applied on
Q. The protected access modifier is accessible within package and outside the package but through __________ only
Q. Access modifier which is accessible only within class is called
Q. Which one is not a java access modifiers
Q. Which of the following is a single line comment syntax
Q. Which of the following is a multi line comment syntax
Q. HotJava Browser was developed in the year
Q. Which of the following function is used for sets the position to the beginning of the file
Q. Which of the following function is used for sets the position to a desired point in the file
Q. A bit field is a set of adjacent bits whose size can be from _________ bits in length
Q. The precedence of member operator is _________ than all arithmatic and relational operator
Q. Automatic variable also referred to as
Q. What is the action of strcmp() function
Q. What is the action of strcat() function
Q. An _______ is a fixed size sequence collection of elements of the same data type
Q. If m=5, y=m++ then value of y and m would be _____ and _______
Q. If a=14, b=4 then a%b =
Q. If a=14, b=4 then a/b =
Q. Which of the following is not a data type in c
Q. In a passage of text individual words and punctuation marks are called
Q. Which one is a special function in C system to tell the computer where the program start
Q. The _________ is a computer program that translates the source code into corresponding object code
Q. What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
Q. A function definition expression can be called as
Q. The property of a primary expression is
Q. Consider the following statements. In order to check if the pattern matches with the string “t”, the statement is
Q. The expression of calling ( or executing ) a function or method in JavaScript is called
Q. What kind of an expression is “new Point(2,3)”?
Q. Which of the operator is used to test if a particular property exists or not?
Q. Among the following, which one is a ternary operator?
Q. “An expression that can legally appear on the left side of an assignment expression.” is a well known explanation for variables, properties of objects, and elements of arrays. They are called
Q. JavaScript Code can be called by using
Q. JavaScript _________ when there is an indefinite or an infinite value during an arithmetic computation.
Q. Which of the following is not considered as an error in JavaScript?
Q. The escape sequence ‘\f’ stands for _________
Q. The snippet that has to be used to check if “a” is not equal to “null” is _________
Q. The statement p===q refers to _________
Q. Assume that we have to convert “false” that is a non-string to string. The command that we use is (without invoking the “new” operator)
Q. JavaScript is a _______________ language
Q. What would be the most appropriate output for the following code snippet?
Q. A conditional expression is also called a
Q. What is block statement in JavaScript?
Q. When an empty statement is encountered, a JavaScript interpreter
Q. The “var” and “function” are __________.
Q. In the below switch syntax, the expression is compared with the case labels using which of the following operator(s)?
Q. What happens in the following javascript code snippet?
Q. The enumeration order becomes implementation dependent and non-interoperable if:
Q. Which version of Java introduced annotation?
Q. Annotation type definition looks similar to which of the following?
Q. Which of the following is not pre defined annotation in Java?