Antennas and Microwave Engineering MCQs | Page - 1
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Antennas and Microwave Engineering here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. The major drawback of frequency multipliers is that they have:
Q. Oscillators operating at millimeter wavelength are difficult to realize and are also less efficient.
Q. A major disadvantage of frequency multipliers is that they multiply the noise factor along with frequency.
Q. If a frequency multiplier has a multiplication factor of 10, then the increase in noise level due to frequency multiplication is:
Q. In a diode frequency multiplier, an input signal of frequency fo applied to the diode is terminated with at all frequencies other than required harmonic.
Q. Resistive multipliers are more efficient as compared to reactive multipliers.
Q. Reactive multipliers have a disadvantage that they cannot be used at very high frequencies and they become less efficient.
Q. For a resistive frequency multiplier of multiplication factor 2, the maximum theoretical conversion efficiency is:
Q. is a device that converts electrons to photons or vice-versa.
Q. The basic equation of radiation that is applied to any antenna irrespective of the type of the antenna is:
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