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Computer Engineering Soft Computing MCQs | Page - 7

Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Computer Engineering Soft Computing here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 61) In Evolutionary Strategy,

(A) individuals are represented by real- valued vector
(B) individual solution is represented as a finite state machine
(C) individuals are represented as binary string
(D) none of the mentioned
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 62) (1+1) ES

(A) offspring becomes parent if offspring\s fitness is as good as parent of next generation
(B) offspring become parent by default
(C) offspring never becomes parent
(D) none of the mentioned
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 63) (1+λ) ES

(A) λ mutants can be generated from one parent
(B) one mutant is generated
(C) 2λ mutants can be generated
(D) no mutants are generated
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 64) Termination condition for EA

(A) mazimally allowed cpu time is elapsed
(B) total number of fitness evaluations reaches a given limit
(C) population diveristy drops under a given threshold
(D) all the mentioned
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 65) Which of the following operator is simplest selection operator?

(A) random selection
(B) proportional selection
(C) tournament selection
(D) none
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 66) Which crossover operators are used in evolutionary programming?

(A) single point crossover
(B) two point crossover
(C) uniform crossover
(D) evolutionary programming doesnot use crossover operators
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 67) (1+1) ES

(A) operates on population size of two
(B) operates on populantion size of one
(C) operates on populantion size of zero
(D) operates on populantion size of λ
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 68) Which of these emphasize of development of behavioral models?

(A) evolutionary programming
(B) genetic programming
(C) genetic algorithm
(D) all the mentioned
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 69) EP applies which evolutionary operators?

(A) variation through application of mutation operators
(B) selection
(C) both a and b
(D) none of the mentioned
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 70) Which selection strategy works with negative fitness value?

(A) roulette wheel selection
(B) stochastic universal sampling
(C) tournament selection
(D) rank selection
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