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Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs | Page - 3
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Data Compression and Data Retrieval here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. 21) An Alphabet Consist Of The Letters A, B, C And D. The probability of occurrence is
p(a) = 0.4,
p(b) = 0.1,
p(c) = 0.2
and p(d) = 0.3.
The huffman code is
Q. 22) The basic idea behind huffman coding is to
Q. 23) Huffman coding is an encoding algorithm used for
Q. 24) A huffman encoder takes a set of characters with fixed length and produces a set of characters of
Q. 25) A Huffman Code: A = 1, B = 000, C = 001, D = 01, P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = 0.1, P(C) = 0.2, P(D) = 0.3 The Average Number Of Bits Per Letter Is
Q. 26) The idea with wavelets is to represent a complicated function by
Q. 27) Down sampling is to make a digital image file smaller by
Q. 28) In a typical picture, most pixels will be
Q. 29) Without losing quality, JPEG-2000 can achieve compression ratios of
Q. 30) The best visual compression quality is achieved using
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Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 2
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 3
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 4
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 5
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 6
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 7
Data Compression and Data Retrieval MCQs Set 8
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