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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Data Structure (DS) here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 241) The string with zero characters is called___________.

(A) null string.
(B) zero string.
(C) one string.
(D) empty string.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 242) The unit equal to the number of bits needed to represent a character is called a ________.

(A) byte.
(B) bit.
(C) mega bytes.
(D) kilo bytes.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 243) The number of swapping needed to sort numbers 8,22,7,9,31,19,5,13 in ascending order using bubble sort is ?

(A) 11
(B) 12
(C) 13
(D) 14
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 244) In variable length storage two dollar signs are used to signal the __________.

(A) end of the string.
(B) beginning of the string.
(C) mid-level of the string.
(D) index.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 245) The initial configuration of the queue is a,b,c,d (a is the front end). To get the configuration d,c,b,a one needs a minimum of ?

(A) 2 deletions and 3 additions
(B) 3 additions and 2 deletions
(C) 3 deletions and 3 additions
(D) 3 deletions and 4 additions
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 246) Each node in a singly linked lists have ______ fields

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 247) Quotation marks are also called as ____________.

(A) string delimiters.
(B) period.
(C) stopper.
(D) string.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 248) A string `s` consists of x, y and if x is an empty string then y is called as___________.

(A) initial substring.
(B) substring of s.
(C) node of the string.
(D) index.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 249) The length of the string can be listed as an additional item in _____________.

(A) base pointer.
(B) pointer array.
(C) node.
(D) record.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 250) Who invented Quick sort procedure?

(A) Hoare.
(B) Sedgewick.
(C) Mellroy.
(D) Coreman.
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Data Structure (DS) MCQs Set 25

Data Structure (DS) MCQs Set 26

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Data Structure (DS) MCQs Set 34

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Data Structure (DS) MCQs Set 38

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Data Structure (DS) MCQs Set 42

Data Structure (DS) MCQs Set 43

Data Structure (DS) MCQs Set 44

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Data Structure (DS) MCQs Set 54