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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Furnace Technology here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 41) Forced recirculation of furnace gases is practised

(A) To increase heat transfer by convection
(B) To ensure uniform temperature
(C) In furnaces, operating below 750°C
(D) All of the above
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 42) The amount of combustible escaping uncon-sumed from the furnace, depends upon the

(A) Air supplied and furnace temperature
(B) Burner design (thoroughness of mixing versus stratification)
(C) Air preheat and the flow of gases in the furnace (mixing by induction, by acceleration or by change of direction)
(D) All of the above
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 43) Power required in case of forced draught as compared to induced draught (for the same draught produced) is

(A) Same
(B) Less
(C) More
(D) Either more or less; depends on the flue gas density
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 44) Which is the most thermally efficient furnace?

(A) Reheating furnace
(B) Reverberatory furnace
(C) Rotary kilns
(D) Boiler furnace
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 45) In a heating process, a heat flow diagram in which the quantities of heat in the various items of a heat balance are represented by the width of a band is called the

(A) Ostwald chart
(B) Cox chart
(C) Sankey diagram
(D) None of these
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 46) Higher furnace temperature can not be achieved by use of a lean fuel gas in the furnace by

(A) Increasing the draft in the furnace
(B) Preheating the fuel gas
(C) Oxygen enrichment of combustion air
(D) Preheating the combustion air
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 47) Neutral atmosphere is maintained in a/an __________ furnace.

(A) Cold rolled steel coil annealing
(B) Open hearth
(C) Soaking pit
(D) Walking beam reheating
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 48) The method of Lobo and Evans is concerned with the calculation of the

(A) Heat absorption in radiant section of a furnace
(B) Heat transfer by forced convection in a reboiler
(C) Heat transfer in vacuum condensers
(D) Mass transfer co-efficient
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 49) Pulverised fuel fired furnaces employ __________ fuel firing.

(A) Vertical
(B) Tangential
(C) Horizontal
(D) All of the above
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Ram Sharma • 178.09K Points

Q. 50) Combustion of fuel in a furnace with oxygen enriched air results in higher

(A) Flue gas volume
(B) Flame temperature
(C) Fuel consumption
(D) Stack loss
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