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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of High Performance Computing here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 371) All-to-all personalized communication is performed independently in each row with clustered messages of size on a mesh.

(A) p
(B) m√p
(C) p√m
(D) m
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 372) If there is 4X4 Mesh Topology ______ message passing cycles will require complete all to all reduction.

(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 16
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 373) Following issue(s) is/are the true about sorting techniques with parallel computing.

(A) large sequence is the issue
(B) where to store output sequence is the issue
(C) small sequence is the issue
(D) none of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 374) Partitioning on series done after ______________

(A) local arrangement
(B) processess assignments
(C) global arrangement
(D) none of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 375) In Parallel DFS processes has following roles.(Select multiple choices if applicable)

(A) donor
(B) active
(C) idle
(D) passive
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 376) Suppose there are 16 elements in a series then how many phases will be required to sort the series using parallel odd-even bubble sort?

(A) 8
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 15
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 377) Which are different sources of Overheads in Parallel Programs?

(A) interprocess interactions
(B) process idling
(C) all mentioned options
(D) excess computation
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 378) The ratio of the time taken to solve a problem on a parallel processors to the time required to solve the same problem on a single processor with p identical processing elements.

(A) the ratio of the time taken to solve a problem on a single processor to the time required to solve the same problem on a parallel computer with p identical processing elements.
(B) the ratio of the time taken to solve a problem on a single processor to the time required to solve the same problem on a parallel computer with p identical processing elements
(C) the ratio of number of multiple processors to size of data
(D) none of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 379) CUDA helps do execute code in parallel mode using __________

(A) cpu
(B) gpu
(C) rom
(D) cash memory
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 380) In thread-function execution scenario thread is a ___________

(A) work
(B) worker
(C) task
(D) none of the above
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