Irrigation Engineering MCQs | Page - 4

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Pooja • 3.11K Points

Q. Which of the following method is useful for obtaining values of flood discharges for a recurrence interval ?

(A) Hazen's method
(B) Gumbel's method
(C) California method
(D) all of these
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Gopal Sharma • 37.14K Points

Q. When the quantity of the earth is much in excess of the quantity required for filling, it has deposited in the form of spoil banks. The spoil banks are made on ?

(A) both the sides
(B) the left side
(C) the right side
(D) all of these
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Ravi Shankar • 2.85K Points

Q. Lacey assumed that silt is kept in suspension because of the normal components of eddies ?

(A) bed only generated from the
(B) side only
(C) whole perimeter
(D) none of these
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Ravi Shankar • 2.85K Points

Q. A parabolic glacis type fall is commonly known as ?

(A) vertical type fall
(B) Sarda fall
(C) Montague fall
(D) Inglis fall
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Ravi Shankar • 2.85K Points

Q. In Lane's weighted creep theory, he proposed a weight of ?

(A) three for horizontal creep and one for vertical creep
(B) three for vertical creep and one for horizontal creep
(C) two for vertical and two for horizontal creep
(D) any one of the above
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Gopal Sharma • 37.14K Points

Q. The width of meandering belt is the ?

(A) transverse distance between the apex point of one curve and apex point on reverse
(B) transverse distance along the river between tangent point of one curve and tangent points other curve of same order
(C) axial distance along the river between tangent point of one curve and tangent point other curve of same order
(D) axial distance along the river between the apex point of one curve and apex point reverse curve
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Admin • 35.70K Points

Q. Tortuosity of a meandering river is the ratio of ?

(A) direct axial length of the river to the curved length along the river
(B) meander length to width of river
(C) meander length to width of meander
(D) curved length along the river to the direct axial length of the river
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Vinay • 27.29K Points
Instructor II

Q. A hydraulic jump is formed when ?

(A) the two flows of sub-critical velocity meet each other
(B) the two flows of super-critical velocity meet each other
(C) a sub-critical flow strikes against a super-critical flow
(D) a super-critical flow strikes against a sub-critical flow
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Gopal Sharma • 37.14K Points

Q. In a super-passage, the F.S.L. of the canal is ?

(A) in level with the drainage trough
(B) above the bed level of the drainage trough
(C) lower than the underside of the trough carrying
(D) none of the above
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Ravi Shankar • 2.85K Points

Q. A groyne with a curved head is known as ?

(A) burma groyne
(B) denehy groyne
(C) hockey groyne
(D) none of these
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