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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Machine Learning (ML) here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 471) there's a growing interest in pattern recognition and associative memories whose structure and functioning are similar to what happens in the neocortex. Such an

(A) regression
(B) accuracy
(C) modelfree
(D) scalable
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 472)              showed better performance than other approaches, even without a context-based model

(A) machine learning
(B) deep learning
(C) reinforcement learning
(D) supervised learning
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 473) Which of the following sentence is correct?

(A) machine learning relates with the study,
(B) data mining can be defined as the process
(C) both a & b
(D) none of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 474) What is ‘Overfitting’ in Machine learning?

(A) when a statistical model describes random error or noise instead of
(B) robots are programed so that they can perform the task based on data they gather from
(C) while involving the process of learning ‘overfitting’ occurs.
(D) a set of data is used to discover the potentially predictive relationship
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 475) What is ‘Test set’?

(A) test set is used to test the accuracy of the hypotheses generated by the learner.
(B) it is a set of data is used to discover the potentially predictive relationship.
(C) both a & b
(D) none of above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 476) what is the function of ‘Supervised Learning’?

(A) classifications, predict time series, annotate strings
(B) speech recognition, regression
(C) both a & b
(D) none of above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 477) Reinforcement learning is particularly efficient when                             .

(A) the environment is not completely deterministic
(B) it\s often very dynamic
(C) it\s impossible to have a precise error measure
(D) all above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 478) During the last few years, many              algorithms have been applied to deep
neural networks to learn the best policy for playing Atari video games and to teach an agent how to associate the right action with an input representing
the state.

(A) logical
(B) classical
(C) classification
(D) none of above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 479) if there is only a discrete number of possible outcomes (called categories), the process becomes a            .

(A) regression
(B) classification.
(C) modelfree
(D) categories
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Mr. Dubey • 51.43K Points

Q. 480) Let’s say, you are working with categorical feature(s) and you have not looked at the distribution of the categorical variable in the test data. You want to apply one hot encoding (OHE) on the categorical feature(s). What challenges you may face if you have applied OHE on a categorical variable of train dataset?

(A) all categories of categorical variable are not present in the test dataset.
(B) frequency distribution of categories is different in train as compared to the test dataset.
(C) train and test always have same distribution.
(D) both a and b
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