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Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs | Page - 3
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Nuclear Power Engineering here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. 21) Hydrogen bomb employs the nuclear fusion of
Q. 22) Use of molten metal as a coolant in fast breeder reactor helps in
Q. 23) Fuel for a fast breeder reactor is
Q. 24) Uranium is recovered from its ore (pitchblende) by
Q. 25) Which of the following is the most harmful for the human being?
Q. 26) Coolant used in a boiling water reactor is
Q. 27) Extraction of uranium from its ore is done by __________ method.
Q. 28) Graphite is used in nuclear reactor as
Q. 29) The atomic weight and atomic number of an element are A and Z respectively. What is the number of neutrons in the atom of that element?
Q. 30) The time taken for a radioactive element to reduce to 50% of its original weight is ___________ years, if its half life period is 12 years.
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Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs Set 1
Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs Set 2
Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs Set 3
Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs Set 4
Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs Set 5
Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs Set 6
Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs Set 7
Nuclear Power Engineering MCQs Set 8
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